Wednesday, February 20, 2013

War Wednesday

I couldn't think of a witty name, so I went in search of videos with war in the title. Now I kinda like it, so maybe I'll do war/battle videos for Wednesday.

But speaking of video; todays video features FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Roy is my favorite character from that show. I've never actually seen all of FMA Brotherhood, but I read the Manga, and I saw the previous FMA.
This video is called "Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - This is War"
By sibyl3000


  1. Wow, they timed the clips with the music so perfectly it made me cry. T_T

    Good thing I've watched it all, that had major spoilers. :)

    1. Oh, should I put a warning about that for people? Not that anyone but you or lisa read my blog XD

    2. Also, your crying at this video pleases me. Mwa ha ha ha haaaa
